Since the beginning of this tradition, back in the dark ages of the early 1980's, the Wennberg family has been hosting Thanksgiving for all the Swedish side of the family. This year is the first without the Patriarch, Wallace Carl Lundquist.
However, I noticed that we had a plethora of tall people!

Heather (Polumbus) Wennberg and her college roomate, Anne.
Alumna of U.C. Irvine, tennis players and tall people. Heather is at least 6'2" in her bare feet. Anne must be close to 5'8".

Jeff Wennberg, Heather's husband, is 6'10", a high school coach and software engineer.
Craig Wennberg (6'9") and his gorgeous, tall wife, Tijon.
The now "official old guys", myself and Jerry Wennberg.
He stands about 6'4". I am close to 5'10".

My cousin/sister-in-law: Sonia Brostrom/Lundquist.
The shortest of the lot at 5'6"
The matriarch, Theta Anne (Weller) Lundquist and her daughter Teryl (5'9").

Gary Lundquist (6'3") is Teryl's full brother and my step-brother.
Another short person, in comparison. My cousin Kathleen Schliech, 5'7".
She is not happy, having just dumped a full tablespoon of ground cinammon
on the sweet potato caserole.

Carving the bird. 16 lbs of fragrant turkeyness.
The younger generation at the feast.
Did I mention that along with being tall, Heather is drop-dead beautiful?

Dear Than, married for over fifty years to Dad Lundquist. Her steadfast faith and love of this family is a testament to a life redeemed and lived out in Christ.
With a humble and grateful heart, I give thanks for this family, this land and the great God who is the author and founder of it all.
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